Thursday, November 10, 2022

Apex Ords Operator for Kubernetes


We often need to provision Apex and Ords for Dev, Stage, Prod. 
This is the operator to automate Apex Oracle Application Express 19.1 and Ords oracle rest data service via Kubernetes CRD, it creates a brand new Oracle 19c database statefulset, apex, ords deployment plus load balancer in the Kubernetes cluster


Full details and source codes are on GitHub repository


Tuesday, November 08, 2022

OKE Admission Control Webhook Sample


We need to implement a policy requested by the security team that Kubernetes service should have an annotation : None Thus no security list will be updated by Kubernetes. This is an example that how we build our own admission controller which implements various policies from security or other teams. ie we can add only internal load balancer is allowed for internal service.....etc


  • Please refer github repo
  • git clone
  • go build -o oke-admission-webhook
  • docker build --no-cache -t repo-url/oke-admission-webhook:v1 .
  • rm -rf oke-admission-webhook
  • docker push repo-url/oke-admission-webhook:v1
  • ./deployment/ --service oke-admission-webhook-svc --namespace kube-system --secret oke-admission-webhook-secret
  • kubectl replace --force -f deployment/validatingwebhook.yaml
  • kubectl replace --force -f deployment/deployment.yaml
  • kubectl replace --force -f deployment/service.yaml


Wednesday, February 09, 2022

Tip: kubectl apply --dry-run=client server RBAC role

 kubectl apply --dry-run is very useful to test manifests.

There are differences of RBAC requirement with kubectl apply --dry-run=client and server.

Both need a role in fetching CRD to go through the validation admission chain and the mutating admission chain.

We need READ ONLY  role for kubectl apply --dry-run=client and READ WRITE role for kubectl apply --dry-run=server