Wednesday, September 22, 2021

Error: invalid bearer token, oidc: verify token: oidc: expected audience


After we implemented dex + github via link. With example-app,we are able to get ID-token via
With ID-token, we construct kubeconfig, but when we access k8s cluster we hit error:

error: You must be logged in to the server (Unauthorized)

In kube api server logs, we see error:

invalid bearer token, oidc: verify token: oidc: expected audience \"123456\" got [\"example-app\"]]"


Check payload and verify JWT ID-token on

Check dex container logs 

Find similar issues in github link1 link2


It turns out the client-id is not matched. 

The client-id set on K8S API server (--oidc-client-id) link   needs to match the client-id in example-app.

In above example, “123456” is the one I set on K8S API server, while client-id is “example-app”  in the example-app which caused the problem

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