Friday, June 25, 2021

Kubebuilder Controller-runtime client_go_adapter.go Error


   We hit below error when we build an operator via kubebuilder 3.1 + controller runtime v0.8.3 + kuberentes 1.20.2

./../../pkg/mod/ cannot use &latencyAdapter{...} (type *latencyAdapter) as type metrics.LatencyMetric in field value:

*latencyAdapter does not implement metrics.LatencyMetric (wrong type for Observe method)

have Observe(string, url.URL, time.Duration)

want Observe(context.Context, string, url.URL, time.Duration)

../../../pkg/mod/ cannot use &resultAdapter{...} (type *resultAdapter) as type metrics.ResultMetric in field value:

*resultAdapter does not implement metrics.ResultMetric (wrong type for Increment method)

have Increment(string, string, string)

want Increment(context.Context, string, string, string)


 It is related to controller runtime v0.8.3 has compatible issues with Kubernetes 0.21 modules. See link
To fix it, find go.mod, change the module from 0.21 to 0.20.2

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