The wifi speed dropped to half after we connected a second monitor for extended display.
It is likely the 2 monitors have different refresh rate,60 Hertz vs 59 Hertz. Make them the same could help.
The wifi speed dropped to half after we connected a second monitor for extended display.
It is likely the 2 monitors have different refresh rate,60 Hertz vs 59 Hertz. Make them the same could help.
Users need to know which type of VMs their pods are running. i.e. users wanna verify pods are running on GPU VMs
In Prometheus, we have 2 metrics: kube_pod_info{} and kube_node_lables{}
kube_node_labels often has a label to tell which type of VM it is.
We can use "node" to join these 2 metrics to provide a report to users
sum( kube_pod_info{}) by(pod,node) *on(node) group_left(label_beta_kubernetes_io_instance_type) sum(kube_node_labels{}) by (node,label_beta_kubernetes_io_instance_type)
Please refer official promQL doc
Tip: create grafana API for it:
curl -g -k -H "Authorization: Bearer ******"\(kube_pod_info{}\)by\(pod,node\)*on\(node\)group_left\(label_beta_kubernetes_io_instance_type\)sum\(kube_node_labels{}\)by\(node,label_beta_kubernetes_io_instance_type\)
Als refer my blog how to convert promQL into grafana API call
We use promQL to fetch some metadata of a Kubernetes cluster. i.e existing namespaces
sum(kube_pod_info) by (namespace)
We would like to convert it to a grafana API call, so other apps can consume this metadata
curl -k -H "Authorization: Bearer e*****dfwefwef0="\(kube_pod_info\)by\(namespace\)