When we try to run sqlplus via ansible yaml file, we hit error like"stderr": "/bin/sh: line 0: export: `=': not a valid identifier",
Part of our yaml file related to export is:
- name: run the sql to get the result
shell: |
export ORACLE_SID = {{ mysid }}
export ORACLE_HOME = {{ dbhome_locl }}
{{ dbhome_locl }}/bin/sqlplus "/ as sysdba" @/tmp/ansible_sql.sql "{{ myparameter }}"
register: sqloutput
Ansible is written by python. Space ' ' is the delimiter. We need to be careful to add ' ' into any our commands which pass into ansible.export ORACLE_SID = {{ mysid }} ---> there is space ' ' after ORACLE_SID, the new commandline ansible generates may confuse SHELL
export ORACLE_SID={{ mysid }}export ORACLE_HOME={{ dbhome_locl }}
No space before '='
Nice post.Keep sharing Devops Online Course