We have requirement to redirect certain urls to another website, here are example of how to deal with it on F5 Bigip iRule
Case 1:
Any urls contains below 3 strings will be redirected
"/content/idcplg/webdav*" "/_dav/content/idcplg/webdav*" "/*sscontributor=true*"
else {
switch -glob [string tolower [HTTP::uri]] {
"/content/idcplg/webdav*" -
"/_dav/content/idcplg/webdav*" -
"/*sscontributor=true*" {
HTTP::redirect "http://our-stage.testadc.com/"
event disable all
Case 2:
Detect if cookie wcm.contributor.mode exists and value is true, we redirect urls
elseif { [HTTP::cookie value "wcm.contributor.mode"] eq "true" } {
HTTP::redirect "http://our-stage.testadc.com/"
event disable all
Case 3:
Detect if cookie wcm.contributor.mode exists and value is true, we remove the cookie
elseif { [HTTP::cookie value "wcm.contributor.mode"] eq "true" } {
HTTP::cookie remove wcm.contributor.mode
Case 4
Any urls from right contains "?SSContributor=true" . It will be trimmed
As "?" is special character, we need to trim twice
"/*sscontributor=true*" {
HTTP::redirect [string trimright [string trimright [HTTP::uri] "SSContributor=true"] \?]
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